From Website to App: A Beginner's Guide to Mobile App Conversion

Want to turn your website into a mobile app? This beginner's guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, from design to launch.

From Website to App: A Beginner's Guide to Mobile App Conversion

Converting a website into a mobile app can be a great way to expand your reach and provide a more immersive user experience. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of converting a website into a mobile app using Moxly, a popular platform for app development.

The article provides a step-by-step guide on converting a website into a mobile app. It suggests using Moxly, a user-friendly app development platform, for the conversion process. The guide emphasizes the importance of defining the app's purpose and features, researching app store guidelines, and choosing the right app development platform.

The article highlights the following key steps:

  1. Defining the app's purpose and features.
  2. Researching app store guidelines.
  3. Choosing a mobile app development platform like Moxly.
  4. Signing up and creating a new project in Moxly.
  5. Designing the app's user interface.
  6. Importing website content into the app.
  7. Implementing navigation and interactivity.
  8. Thoroughly testing the app.
  9. Publishing the app to app stores.
  10. Promoting the app to the target audience.

Whether you're a beginner or have some experience with app development, this guide will help you get started.

  1. Define Your App's Purpose and Features: Before starting the conversion process, it's essential to clearly define the purpose of your app and the features you want to include. Consider how you can optimize the user experience for a mobile environment and identify the key functionalities that will make your app valuable to users.
  2. Research App Store Guidelines: Both Apple's App Store and Google Play have specific guidelines and requirements for app submissions. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure your app meets the necessary criteria. It's important to follow the guidelines to avoid any rejections or delays during the app review process.
  3. Choose a Mobile App Development Platform: Moxly app builder is a user-friendly mobile app development platform that allows you to convert your website into a mobile app without writing code. It offers drag-and-drop features and pre-built templates, making it ideal for beginners. Other popular app development platforms include React Native and Flutter, which provide more customization options but may require coding knowledge.
  4. Sign Up and Create a New Project in Moxly: Visit the Moxly website and sign up for an account. Once signed in, create a new project for your app. Moxly will guide you through the setup process, allowing you to select the desired platform (iOS or Android) and providing options for customizing the app's appearance.
  5. Design Your App's User Interface:Moxly provides a visual editor where you can design the user interface (UI) of your app. Customize the layout, color scheme, and typography to match your brand's identity. Consider the mobile experience and make sure your design is intuitive and user-friendly.
  6. Add Website Content:Next, you'll need to import your website content into the app. Moxly offers features to import web pages, images, videos, and other media elements. Ensure that the content is appropriately formatted for mobile devices and optimize any large files for faster loading times.
  7. Implement Navigation and Interactivity:Incorporate navigation menus, buttons, and gestures to make your app interactive. Create a seamless user experience by ensuring smooth transitions between screens and intuitive navigation flows. Moxly provides tools to add navigation elements easily.
  8. Test Your App:Before launching your app, thoroughly test it on different devices and operating systems to ensure compatibility and functionality. Moxly offers built-in preview options, allowing you to test your app in real-time. Identify and fix any bugs or issues that arise during testing.
  9. Publish Your App: Once you're satisfied with the app's performance and stability, it's time to publish it to the app stores. Follow the submission guidelines for the respective app store platforms. Prepare the necessary app descriptions, icons, screenshots, and promotional materials to accompany your app listing.
  10. Promote Your App: After your app is live, it's crucial to promote it to your target audience. Utilize various marketing channels such as social media, email newsletters, and your website to create awareness and drive downloads. Encourage users to leave reviews and ratings, as positive feedback can boost your app's visibility in the app stores.

Remember, app development is an iterative process. Continuously gather user feedback, analyze app analytics, and release updates to enhance your app's performance and user satisfaction.

With Moxly and the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully convert your website into a mobile app and offer a seamless experience to your users.

What is WebView, advantages and disadvantages

WebView is a component or feature available in mobile app development frameworks that allows developers to embed web content, typically websites, within a mobile app. It acts as a container that displays webpages using a web rendering engine. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using WebView in mobile app development:

Advantages of WebView:

  1. Code Reusability: WebView enables developers to leverage existing web technologies and codebases, making it easier to reuse web content and functionalities within a mobile app. This can save time and effort in app development.
  2. Easy Content Updates: Since WebView displays web content, any updates made to the website will automatically reflect in the app without requiring a new app release. This simplifies content updates and allows for real-time changes.
  3. Faster Development: Using WebView can speed up the app development process, especially when converting a website into a mobile app. Developers can quickly integrate existing web content without building native app screens from scratch.
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: WebView is generally cross-platform compatible, meaning it can be used in both Android and iOS app development. This allows developers to create apps for multiple platforms using a single codebase.
  5. Rich Web Functionality: WebView allows access to various web functionalities, such as JavaScript, cookies, AJAX requests, and HTML5 features. This enables developers to leverage the power of web technologies and create interactive app experiences.

Disadvantages of WebView:

  1. Performance Limitations: WebView relies on the device's web rendering engine, which may not be as efficient or performant as native app components. WebView apps may have slower loading times and limited performance capabilities compared to fully native apps.
  2. User Experience: WebView may not provide the same level of user experience as native app components. Native apps can offer smoother animations, better integration with device features, and a more seamless interface, whereas WebView apps may feel like a wrapped website.
  3. Limited Control: WebView is a container for web content, and developers have limited control over how the content is rendered and displayed. The user experience may vary across different devices and web rendering engines, making it challenging to achieve consistent app behavior.
  4. Dependency on Web Technologies: Using WebView means relying on web technologies, which may not be as robust or feature-rich as native app frameworks. Certain advanced features or hardware integrations may not be available or may require workarounds.
  5. Security Concerns: WebView introduces potential security risks if not properly managed. Vulnerabilities in the web rendering engine or insecure web content can expose the app to attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS) or code injection.

When deciding whether to use WebView, consider the specific requirements of your app and balance the advantages of code reusability and faster development against potential limitations in performance, user experience, and security.

Use a ready-made Webview component in Moxly

If you want to use a ready-made WebView component in Moxly to display your website content within the app, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your Moxly project: Sign in to your Moxly account and open the project you're working on.
  2. Add a WebView component: In Moxly, you can typically add components by dragging and dropping them onto the app canvas. Look for the WebView component or a similar component that allows you to display web content.
  3. Customize the WebView component: Once you've added the WebView component to your app canvas, you can customize its properties. Common properties include:
  4. URL: Specify the URL of your website that you want to load within the WebView.
  5. Loading indicator: Choose whether to show a loading indicator while the webpage is loading.
  6. Error handling: Decide how to handle errors that may occur while loading the webpage.
  7. WebView behavior: Set properties like allowing or disallowing JavaScript, enabling zoom, or handling external links.
  8. Test the WebView: Preview your app within Moxly to test how the WebView component functions. Make sure your website loads correctly and that all the desired functionalities are working as expected.
  9. Enhance the WebView experience (optional): Depending on your requirements, you may want to further enhance the WebView experience. For example, you can:
  10. Implement navigation controls: Add back and forward buttons or a refresh button to allow users to navigate within the WebView.
  11. Handle custom actions: Define actions for specific events within the WebView, such as opening external links in a separate browser window.
  12. Implement caching: Configure caching options to optimize loading times and reduce data usage.
  13. Customize the WebView appearance: Adjust the WebView's appearance to match your app's design, such as setting background colors or applying custom CSS styles.
  14. Test thoroughly: It's crucial to thoroughly test your app with the WebView component across different devices and operating systems to ensure compatibility and performance.
  15. Publish and distribute your app: Once you're satisfied with the WebView integration, follow the app store submission guidelines to publish and distribute your app to your target platforms (e.g., iOS App Store, Google Play Store).

Remember to consider the user experience within the WebView. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for smaller screens to provide a seamless experience for app users.

Using a ready-made WebView component in Moxly allows you to quickly integrate your website content into your app without having to build a separate app from scratch.


Converting a website into a mobile app can be an effective way to reach a wider audience and enhance user experience. By following the steps outlined in the guide, beginners can successfully navigate the conversion process using Moxly or a similar app development platform.

Defining the app's purpose, researching app store guidelines, and selecting the right development platform are crucial initial steps. Moxly, with its drag-and-drop features and pre-built templates, is particularly suitable for beginners.

Designing a user-friendly interface, importing website content, and implementing navigation and interactivity are essential for creating a seamless app experience. Thorough testing across different devices and operating systems ensures compatibility and functionality.

Publishing the app to app stores and promoting it to the target audience are important steps for gaining visibility and driving downloads. Ongoing updates and improvements based on user feedback and analytics will contribute to the app's success.

In conclusion, the guide provides a beginner's roadmap for converting a website into a mobile app using Moxly, empowering individuals to expand their online presence and offer a more engaging mobile experience to their users.

Ready to create your app for free?

Turn your idea into a mobile app and publish it on Google Play and Appstore